Feng Shui Plants – Healthy Living

Plants are unique habitants of our planet. It is simply impossible to comprehend life or our planet without them. So, is their importance just a myth or overhyped? The answer is no. Plants are natural “Equilibriums” while certain floras drive out negative energies from our houses and workplaces.


No wonder then Feng Shui has reserved a special place for plants in its philosophy. To understand its role in human lives, let us first understand the 5 elements of Feng Shui. They are; wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

Interestingly, plants complement most of these fundamentals directly or indirectly. For example, plants conserve water through prevention of soil erosion. During the photosynthesis process, plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen thereby purifying the air around us.

Moreover, some the plants, such as bonsai are highly wooded variants, providing several benefits when set up in the right direction. Wood too is one of the components of Feng Shui system.

By balancing the Yin and Yang energies, plants create a vibrant environment, nurturing good health, abundance and self-worth. By tethering humans to earth and thereby nature, plants introduce a sense of fulfillment, of living a complete life.  In short, plants are like fuel to our soul, giving birth to an array of positive emotions.

When they are introduced in homes, they play a different and distinct role, depending on its type and family. Broadly speaking, Feng Shui plants can be categorized as –

  1. Air Purifying Plants

Rubber plant, scientifically called the Ficus Elastica, is a perfect healing variant. Add this plant to the dark corners of your house / office, and experience visible positive changes. It not only improves health of the residents but also enhances growth. It purifies the surrounding air and brings to life even the most deprived and desolate section of your house. The soft rubbery leaves are full of life and easy to maintain. Make sure you keep this plant moist and offer a dose of direct / indirect sunlight for those unwavering results.

Some of the other rubber plants belonging to this class include rubber bush and rubber fig. However, they offer a completely different set of advantages; harmonizing various energies, typically related to good luck or prosperity.

  1. Protective Plants

Plants which ooze protective energy cocoon its residents from envious neighbors or visiting guests. Protective plants, especially those which are recommended by Feng Shui experts are mostly setup at the entrance. It offers a shield from the surrounding evil eyes and dilutes some of the evil energies floating inside.

One of the best Feng Shui option for protection is the Snake plant or Sansevieria Trifasciata. Moreover, it is highly forgiving in terms of maintenance, since it needs little water and sunshine. Additionally, this plant can be watered every 15 days which makes it a favorite amongst Feng Shui experts.

Another advantage of this plant is its air purification property. It reduces pollutants and cleans the air within the house providing excellent healing energy.

  1. Good Luck Plants or Wealth Plants

Lucky bamboo is a highly recommended plant in Feng Shui … and not without a reason. This plant complements all the five Feng Shui elements. The plant is typically set up by tying number of stalks together, generally with red cord, the symbol of fire. While 3 to 6 stalks represent wealth and overall good luck, 7 or more stalks usually offer good health. Its presence in the South East direction can work wonders in terms of prosperity.

Another plant synonymous with good luck and fortune is the citrus tree. While Lucky Bamboo needs to be placed in transparent crystal ware, citrus tree has no such restriction. As mentioned above, most of Feng Shui trees are self-caring in nature and therefore need little or no maintenance. However, citrus tree is an exception as its needs regular attention and intervention in terms of sunlight, water and sprucing of various parts. Set up the plant in the Xun zone of your residence or office and reap its positive benefits.

  1. Health and Beauty Plants

Jade is an extremely versatile plant. When set up in a specific zone, it offers a matching advantage.

For example, when Jade plant is placed in the Eastern direction it improves family relationships and health to a certain extent. Some of the other positions which renowned Feng Shui experts exploit for balancing Chi’s and attracting complementing benefits include South East ( for good luck or wealth ) and West ( for knowledge, especially children related ).

On the other hand orchids are known for their beauty. Nonetheless, as per Feng Shui experts, orchids are also the symbol of good luck. They enhance and improve luck. As far as the color is concerned, violet orchids are the preferred choice of many believers. So, go for this attractive Feng Shui plant which offers a host of collateral improvements too.

  1. Inspiration and Warmth

Inspiration, warmth and passion are emotions typically attached with fire element. To energize this attribute, one needs a complementing plant such as the Philodendron. But why Philodendron? The answer is because of the shape of its leaves which actually appear like a heart. It also resembles “Fire” one of the essential Feng Shui elements.

Place one of these trees in a dark corner and let its leaves ignite the surroundings with its poetic and spiritual radiance. It essentially lights up the life of the residents, invigorating the occupants with passion and warmth – these twin benefits enhances the wellness quotient too. Set it up in the Eastern or Southeastern cardinal direction for maximum effect.

Summation –

Tweak the wood, water and fire energies of your house / office to improve essential life aspects by setting up Feng Shui recommended plants. Introducing specific floras displaces bad or negative energies, improves health and in target oriented actions it also fetches good luck. For people ailing from breathing problem and chronic illnesses plants can be an effective option … provided they are setup according to Feng Shui principles.

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